
گزارش های خبری سازمان های بین المللی ویژه

Arrest of Anisha Asadollahi and Keyvan Mohtadi by security forces

Rissmaan – Monday, May 9, 2022; Anisha Asadollahi and Keyvan Mohtadi, labor activists, were detained by security forces at their home and taken to an unknown location. The reasons for the arrest, the charges against them, and the whereabouts of these citizens are not yet known. Anisha Asadollahi and Keyvan Mohtadi have previously been arrested and convicted for their activities. Anisha Asadollahi was arrested and taken to prison on May 1, 2019, at the same time as International Workers’ Day, at a rally held on this occasion, along with a large number of activists in this field. She was eventually sentenced by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran to one year in prison and 74 lashes for disturbing public order, and six months of her sentence was suspended. She was arrested on January 4, 2020, after being summoned to the Judgment Enforcement Branch of the Evin Court, and was released from Evin Prison on January 21 of the same year. It is worth mentioning that Anisha Asadollahi graduated from the Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University of Technology with a degree in electrical engineering and worked as an English teacher in private schools before her arrest.


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